simulates an Dixon gradient echo sequence with echotimes. Echotimes echo in ms, fat fraction fr between 0 and 1, field of resonance B0 in Hz and relaxation T2 in ms.
- The following options can be given:
DixonNucleus "1H" DixonNucleus is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the nucleus for which the reconstruction is performed. DixonPrecessions 1 DixonPrecessions is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the rotation of the signal {-1,1} default is -1. DixonFieldStrength 3 DixonFieldStrength is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the fieldstrengths in Tesla on which the data was acquired. DixonFrequencies {{0.}, {-3.81, -3.4, -3.12, -2.67, -2.45, -1.94, -0.63, -0.4, 0.52, 0.62}} DixonFrequencies is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the frequencies in ppm of the fat peaks being used. DixonAmplitudes {{1}, {0.089, 0.577, 0.059, 0.093, 0.059, 0.013, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.059}} DixonAmplitudes is an option for DixonReconstruct. Defines the relative amplitudes of the fat peaks being used.