registers a diffusion dataset. dtidata should be 4D {slice, diff, x, y}. vox is the voxelsize of the data.
registers the data series using the given voxel size only using data within the mask.
RegisterDiffusionData[{dtidata ,vox},{anatdata,voxa}]
registers a diffusion dataset. The diffusion data is also registered to the anatdata.
registers the data series using the given voxel size only using data within the mask.
registers the data series using the given voxel size only using data within the mask.
registers the data series using the given voxel size only using data within the mask. Output is the registered dtidata and, if anatdata is given, the registered dtidata in anatomical space. If OutputTransformation is True it also outputs the translation, rotation scale and skew of all images or volumes.
- The following options can be given:
Iterations 250 Iterations is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies the number of iterations used by the registration functions. Resolutions 1 Resolutions is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies the number of scale space resolutions used by the registration functions. HistogramBins 32 HistogramBins is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies the number of bins of the joined histogram used by the registration functions. NumberSamples 5000 NumberSamples is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies the number of random samples that are taken each iteration used by the registration functions. InterpolationOrderReg 3 InterpolationOrderReg is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies the interpolation order used in the registration functions. BsplineSpacing 30 BsplineSpacing is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, RegisterCardiacData and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies the spacing of the bsplines if the method is "bspline". BsplineDirections {0, 1, 1} BsplineDirections is an option for RegisterData ad RegisterDiffusionData. It gives the direction in which the bsplines are allowed to move when registering diffusion data to anatomical space. AffineDirections {0, 1, 1} AffineDirections is an option for RegisterData ad RegisterDiffusionData. It gives the directions in which data can be moved when registering diffusion data to anatomical space. MethodReg "affineDTI" MethodReg is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, RegisterCardiacData and RegisterDataTransform. It spefifies which registration method to use. Mehtods can be be "translation", "rigid", "affine", "bspline", "rigidDTI", "affineDTI", "PCAtranslation", "PCArigid", "PCAaffine", or "PCAbspline". OutputImage True OutputImage is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies if the result image should be writen in the TempDirectory as nii file. TempDirectory "Default" TempDirectory is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, RegisterCardiacData and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies the temprary directory used to perform and output the registration. DeleteTempDirectory True DeleteTempDirectory an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, RegisterCardiacData and RegisterDataTransform. It specifies if the temp directory should be deleted after the registration is finisched. PrintTempDirectory True PrintTempDirectory is an options for RegisterData, RegisterDiffusionData, RegisterCardiacData and RegisterDataTransform. It spefifies if the location of the temp directory should be deplayed. OutputTransformation False OutputTransformation is an option for RegisterData ad RegisterDiffusionData. It specifies if the tranformation paramters (translation, rotation, scale and skew) should be given as output in the registration functions. UseGPU {False, Automatic} UseGPU is an option for RegisterData. The value is {bool, gpu} where bool is True or False, and gpu is the gpu ID which is an integer or Automatic. PCAComponents 1 PCAComponents is an option for RegisterData. It speciefies how many PCA components are used if method is set to "PCA". ShowMetric False ShowMetric is an option for RegisterData. If set to True it will print a plot of the Metric. IterationsA 1000 IterationsA is an option for RegisterDiffusionData. It specifies the number of iterations used when registering diffusion data to anatomical space. ResolutionsA 1 ResolutionsA is an option for RegisterDiffusionData. It specifies the number of scale space resolutions used when registering diffusion data to anatomical space. HistogramBinsA 64 HistogramBinsA is an option for RegisterDiffusionData. It specifies the number of bins of the joined histogram used when registering diffusion data to anatomical space. NumberSamplesA 20000 NumberSamplesA is an option for RegisterDiffusionData. It specifies the number of random samples that are taken each iteration when registering diffusion data to anatomical space. InterpolationOrderRegA 1 InterpolationOrderRegA is an option for RegisterDiffusionData. It specifies the interpolation order used in the registration functions when registering diffusion data to anatomical space. MethodRegA {rigid, bspline} MethodRegA is an option for RegisterDiffusionData. It spefifies which registration method to use when registering diffusion data to anatomical space. Mehtods can be be "rigid","affine" or "bspline". RegistrationTarget "Fist" RegistrationTarget is an option for RegisterDiffusionData and RegisterCardiacData. Specifies which target to uses for registration if using "rigid", "affine" or "bspline" as MethodReg. If the MethodReg is "PCA" based it does not need a target and this options does nothing. Values can be "First", "Mean" or "Median".